A creative approach to learning

Maintaining learner engagement is critical to the success of an online training programme. The training material must be delivered using a variety of mediums and interactions. We have a core team of developers and a large network of contractors, each with their own areas of specialisation, who work with your subject matter expert (SME) to tailor content to your specific needs.

We follow a 7-step approach to content development


Instructional Design

Finding the right pedagogy for your target learners means understanding their needs and environment. It is the creation of learning experience and materials that result in the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills.

Content Development

With your target learner in mind, we assemble a mix of learning interactions that engage and stimulate the learner. Learner engagement is critical to learning.


Content Scripting

We have a large, contracted team of content writers, each with their own areas of specialisation. These writers work with the client’s subject matter expert (SME) to assemble the course content and design a course structure.

Content Conversion

We can convert your existing face-to-face content into a digital form compatible with current standards, such as HTML5, SCORM or xAPI (Tin Can). Let our creative team develop interactive learning modules that include animation, narrated voice, video and more.

Interactive SCORM & xAPI

HTML5 learning modules allow us to package multiple media types into a single learning event. The result is a vibrant, interactive learning experience packed with visual elements, voice, assessment and more.

Interactive Videos

Turn a linear video into an interactive video which includes branching, assessment, clickable hotspots and more. Drive learner engagement through active participation with the content. Turn a passive experience into an active one.

Instructional Videos

Some things are just better explained with a video. A shot video clips allows for more efficient processing and memory recall of content. The visual and auditory nature of videos appeal to a wide audience and allows each user to process information in a way that is natural to them.

Software Simulation

Need to roll out a new software package to a geographically dispersed group of users? There is no better way than with a software simulation. Using narration and animation, the use of the software is explained in detail. Competency is then tested through simulation.

Voice Over

We have a large team of contracted voice artist. Finding a voice that resonates with the learner is key to holding their attention. Should you prefer to use the voice of one of your own staff, we will be happy to assist with the recording and mastering.


There is no denying that animations are an attractive tool for Instructional Designers to use in online training. They are a popular go-to for improving engagement or motivating learners. These animations can be combined with multiple media types.



Doodles or whiteboard animations are incredibly effective for communicating complex ideas. Using these animations will boost attention as well as retention for your audience. Doodles can be used to tell a story and most people love a good story.

Desktop Publishing

Professionally formatted training notes add emphasis to your training content. Delivered electronically or handed out in paper form, a properly constructed document is easier to read and absorb. The detail of any training programme is in the takeaway notes.

Let's talk

If you have any questions about our services or any require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!


313 Rivonia Road, Sandton, 2128




+27 (0) 10 822 8338

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